Journey through-hell

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Thru the hardest part of life.......

I think this is be the last time I'd be blogging with this theme!

I still remember the day, July17th 2006 when they announced my name, which I recall to be one of the most wonderful days of my college life-- I had my first job! Congratulations pouring in from all possible directions, tears in my eyes, excited and self satisfied!

One year, since the memorable day, life seems to have taken a twist. Friends have seperated, Families meet less often than before, coffee seems to be quencing thirst, 14 to 15 hours of rigorous work, no time for absolutely anything in the world, advent of scary moments where our job is at stake, see nothing in the world apart from computer screens, friends (who were everyday visitors to your house during college) appear only on messangers, others who are with you seem to have changed - all involved with their own work and responsibilities.

Does this change affect everyone? When I ask myself this, I realise it really does not. But I consider it to be the hardest phase in my entire life!

When I boarded the train on 24th June 2007, I had an adventure in mind - an adventure to cherish, a new life to lead. With tears, i bid adieu to everyone I knew. I called my job as my new home!

Now, I return to Bangalore every weekend hoping to meet all of my friends - sadly everyones not here! Its hard to say goodbye to people you are the closest to, but harder to stay without thinking of them. You think of all the great moments that got you together - the times we fought, the times we laughed until our stomachs hurt, the times when an sms was life itself, when one missed the other when only one turned up at college, all the movies we watched, our class trips, our adventure! Given a chance, I would still love to be a student where life is easy and so much fun!

When nothing seems to be going your way at work, you get so frustrated and hope someone would come, pat your back and comfort you ! You look around and you see nobody - simply because no one really has time for anything - forget comforting! You might have a tear rolling down your cheek but quickly tend to wipe it off so that the other person does not see it.

You have seen more of business meetings, teleconferences than a movie in recent months. You have probably learnt the real definition of yoga and meditation after you have joined work but sadly have no time for that at all.

When you are just about to leave work, you realise that your manager needs you to finish some last part of the code. You have no choice but to sit and finish.

Chatting with friends over phone has become a mere fantasy. Everyone is at different geographical locations with different days and nights! We will probably meet each other only at reunions that happen some time in future!

No more mass bunking, no more running behind some one for more marks, no more of what we termed as "life". I get pretty emotional whenever I leave back for a whole week of work every sunday evening. The only satisfaction I take with me is - 5 days later, I am back here!

I think this has been the shortest of all my blogs, but its something I wanted to write for a very very long time!

This is where life stands, between walls of good and bad. The closer you stand towards one side, the more of it you are going to cherish!


At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice've poured your heart out...Well well...I guess thats what life is all people new surroundings but old memories....Maybe that's why they say life's challenging...

At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have to confess sweety , reading ur blog for the first time, was nostalgic about r good ol' time s, protests, those hundreds of coffees at coffee day ..


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